Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pitty Party ...

Yup gentle readers I'm not proud but that is pretty much how i look right now typing this blog... I'm feeling so sorry for myself its just ridiculous. 
I never blogged about my last doctor appointment.  Needless to say, it didn't go so hot.  i won't rehash all the good stuff tonight because i'm already pitty partied out. 
Tonight's topic is going to be
Being cold to me is the wost feeling i can ever imagine.  Having Fibromyalgia I'm extremely temperature sensitive.  Humidity makes my pressure points feel like they are going to squish to death, and cold makes my body feel like i'm going to shatter. 
Once the temperature outside starts dropping so does my spirits. 
I have to sleep with a heating pad, under several blankets because I can't get warm.  Sometimes I have to take my rubby old bones to the shower and sit in the hottest water i can stand. 
Recently i had a pretty awful flare..  Mainly the worst one I've ever had.. These are not pictures of me, i found them courtesy of google.. but they were the closes images i could find that looked almost identical to what i've been dealing with. 

  Luckily the sores in my mouth weren't as bad as the flare up of 2010.  I can still talk... the steroid cream does wonders when my mouth ulcers are giant!! 
I just feel better being creative, and posting pictures, and venting... my tears have stopped and a slow smile has spread across my face.... mainly because i know i need to ...
oh and a bonus.. my nurse called today and left a voice mail to call her back ASAP ... well guess who didn't get to talk to miss imperative nurse.... yup that's right me.... so in my mind.. I've died like five times from all the different scenarios ... what a goober.

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